
Crazy Sarah Speaks

Every time a microphone finds its way in front of Sarah Palin, you can be assured some crazy talk will transpire. She has essentially become the conspiracy theorist of the GOP:

Sarah Palin didn’t allow press at her speech Friday at a Wisconsin Right to Life fundraising banquet, and attendees were barred from bringing cell phones, cameras, laptops, or recording devices of any kind. But Politico managed to get a few reporters in to hear the former Alaska governor again raise the specter of death panels and claim an anti-Christian conspiracy in the redesign of U.S. coins.

So now our currency isn’t “Christy” enough for Sarah? From now on when Sarah speaks she must wear the official conspiracy theorist apparel as designated by all of us sane people:

When we see her take the stage in the approved apparel then we will know that she is speaking crap. Oh wait! We already knew that – didn’t we?

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