
Palin’s Making Some Enemies In An Unusual Place


Where would Sarah Palin be making enemies now? How about at her own book signings. Here is video of people booing Palin as they waited for autographs and she pulled away.

Then we also have comments being left on Palin’s Facebook page:

Lu Paletta Part I: No Sarah Palin wristband yesterday. Got a bookplate w/fake signature; was told it was as good as a band. Part of overflows that was next in line; group had real camaraderie in cold/rain for >15 hours. Folks from all over with 1 goal, see someone who speaks for us. The bus arrived, a crowd of 500 outside, 1000s inside. A roaring welcome, Gov Palin & Trig, a few remarks, few pictures and on to Barnes&Nobles;.

Read more here.

Good times indeed. Exit question time. Do these people really think Sarah cared enough about them to wait and sign all their books? Of course not – she is an attention whore. You just helped feed her habit. Great job!

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