
The New Teabagger Threat – Going Ft. Hood

In an absolute display of disrespect to the soldiers who were injured and died at the Ft. Hood massacre a Tea Party supporter uses the tragedy to make a threat:

A woman who allegedly threatened the Times Herald of Port Huron, Mich., saying she would take a gun to the newspaper and “do what they did at Fort Hood,” is being investigated, the paper reports.

The Gannett daily’s Web site stated that a call came into a Gannett customer service center in Louisville, Ky., from a 60-year-old unidentified woman last Thursday.

Hopefully this woman is found and ruled insane, as I would really hate to think that some sane person would engage in such a foolish act. But while we are talking about this act, what actually set her off?

“She was upset about an editorial in Thursday’s paper,” the Web site reported, adding, “The editorial criticized U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Harrison Township, for participating in a Nov. 5 Capitol rally. Police said the call was made about 11:40 a.m. Thursday.”

I wonder if Candice Miller will denounce this threat, or will she just ignore it? If anyone lives in her district then please contact her office and ask how they feel about someone making such a gross threat in her defense.


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