
The Veterans Day Project Honorable Mentions List And Closing Thoughts

Here are the public faces that aren’t in Congress and oppose a public option:

AmandaCarpenter: Thanks to our vets today. Here is the 2009 Veterans Day poster from the VA

MittRomney: Read my statement on Veterans Day here :

KarlRove: Wishing a happy Veterans Day to the brave men & women who sacrificed to keep our country safe & remembering those serving our nation 2day.

michellemalkin: Veterans Day 2009: Thank s to all who have served, sacrificed & preserved our freedom. –

townhallcom: Meredith Jessup: Remembering Our Veterans: Please take a moment today (and everyday!) to remember all those who..

timpawlenty: Remembering all of our great veterans today. Thanks for all you do to protect freedom

GovernorPerry: Called my dad this AM and wished him a Happy Veterans Day. Do the same to those you know and love and the rest who make freedom possible!

ToomeyForSenate: We need real health care reform. Sign our petition today!: #toomey #specter #sestak #tcot (Don’t be fooled by this. He is opposing the public option)

Today’s event was really an eye opener for me, someone who really doesn’t use Twitter. One thing I learned is that Republicans are way ahead on the Twitter front than Democrats.

I do have a special page put together where this list will always be accessible. While it did take a lot of work digging through tweets, I felt it was the least I could do given the news that started this off – last year alone over 2,200 veterans, who couldn’t afford healthcare in our nation, died. The fact that these people say they “honor” our veterans, yet don’t want to be part of the solution to this travesty is utterly appalling.

In closing I would like to provide you with a tweet from a long time Republican blogger:


I couldn’t have said it any better myself. As I stated numerous times throughout the day, actions speak louder than words. The politicians I highlighted today are a shining example of just that. They like to say that they “support our troops” and are “honored”, yet they can’t prove it. Instead they are the very cause of the problem with America – an inability to conquer any big problem anymore. Could you imagine if these same clowns were in charge when Kennedy declared a mission to put a man on the moon? It would have never happened.

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