
Gitmo Closure Delayed Until 2011


I had a feeling this would happen. In all honest I don’t blame President Obama for it, I blame the weak-kneed Democrats:

Rebuffed this month by skeptical lawmakers when it sought finances to buy a prison in rural Illinois, the Obama administration is struggling to come up with the money to replace the Guantánamo Bay prison.

As a result, officials now believe that they are unlikely to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and transfer its population of terrorism suspects until 2011 at the earliest — a far slower timeline for achieving one of President Obama’s signature national security policies than they had previously hinted.

I’m sure many will blame Obama for this, but in all honesty these obstacles were things we knew about from the get-go. It takes money to shutter the Torture-Inn, and that money has to come from Congress.

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