
It’s Like Iraq All Over

Once President Obama announced a timeline to start drawing down troops in Afghanistan we knew that the right would start attacking it. Right on cue we have John McCain telling Good Morning America that the timeline will “embolden” the enemy:

“I trust his [McChrystal’s] judgment enormously but I also understand that both our enemies and our friends will hear the message that we are going to be leaving at a certain date. That was unnecessary,” McCain said. “I’m confident we can succeed but when you tell your enemies there’s a date and you’re going to start leaving, it emboldens your enemies and dispirits your friends.”

We have heard this same argument time and time again when it comes to trying to end a war. John McCain would rather see us stay in Afghanistan for the next 100 years than try to come home. It’s funny how these so called fiscal-hawks never have any problem throwing away billions upon billions of tax dollars in the name of  war.

It’s also really interesting the way McCain is trying to dance around supporting General McChrystal. Whenever the left criticized one of our commanders, people like McCain would come out swinging. McChrystal has very publically supported President Obama’s plan, so why can’t McCain? Is John McCain trying to undermine the leadership of the military now? It sure sounds that way. We even have General Petraeus saying that this timeline is very ‘realistic’:

During last year’s campaign, McCain continually held up Petraeus as being the authoritative answer on the wars. Now McCain wants to disagree with him? Thankfully this is Senator McCain and not President McCain, or we might also be talking about the Iran war right now.

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