
Jim DeMint Trying To Slow Down Job Growth

Dave Waldman has a great rundown of what lies ahead for the health care bill as both chambers of Congress attempt to merge two very different bills into one. Sadly the quickest path is once again meeting Republican obstructionism, this time by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) objecting to the appointment of conferees and forcing a longer path to making two bills into one.

This is a rather interesting move given President Obama saying his first of the year priority is getting a jobs bill through Congress. Instead of being able to focus on getting Americans back to work, now the Senate could face up to 3 more cloture votes to finish up health care, just because Jim DeMint wants to play obstructionist. This move isn’t going to “kill the bill”, it’s just going to slow down the Senate. Way to screw American workers over Jim! Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if Firedoglake backs you for re-election this year.

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