
Looks Like The DNC Super Delegates Might Come To An End


The DNC Change Commission has been working on changes to the way the DNC handles primaries and it looks like the super delegates could end up losing their vote:

The Commission spent most of the meeting discussing the future role of automatic unpledged delegates (super delegates).  It discussed several approaches, but the final recommendation won’t be made until the final Commission meeting.

The Resolution authorizing the Commission called for a significant reduction in the number of such delegates, but many of the members favored converting all unpledged automatic delegates to unpledged automatic non-voting delegates.  Elected officials and DNC members could still attend conventions and provide guidance, judgment, and leadership, but they could not vote and therefore would not be able to counter the voter’s candidate preferences as expressed in the nomination process.  A component of this approach would be expansion of the number of pledged party leader and elected official (PLEO) slots.  So a member of Congress or DNC member who wanted to be a voting delegate could run as a PLEO, pledged to a candidate in reflection of voter preference.

So we would still have super-delegates but they won’t be able to vote. This would be an excellent move. The final decision should be made after the first of the year, and basically would require the people this affects to vote on it. I think it’s time for all Democrats to call the party and ask them to support this measure. A few powerful people should not have the ability to overturn the will of the party members as a whole. That is very undemocratic.

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