
Rick Warren Needs Financial Help

I’m sure we’ll all be breaking open our wallets soon:

Evangelical pastor Rick Warren appealed to parishioners at his California megachurch Wednesday to help fill a $900,000 deficit by the first of the year.

Warren made the appeal in a letter posted on the Saddleback Church Web site. It begins “Dear Saddleback Family, THIS IS AN URGENT LETTER.”

“With 10 percent of our church family out of work due to the recession, our expenses in caring for our community in 2009 rose dramatically while our income stagnated,” the letter reads.

This really puts a damper on the whole notion that private charities can handle social problems better than the government. When you have severe economic down turns like we are in right now, then people don’t have the money to donate to these groups. That was also seen over Christmas as charities had to turn away needy families wanting food for Christmas. It also boils down to simple common sense, and since the right never exhibits that trait it’s no wonder they are the ones pushing for the charities to become the nation’s giver of social services.

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