
Something Else For Boehner To Ignore


John Boehner has constantly ignored stimulus projects happening here in Ohio, even when some of them are just a few miles from his own house. Now we have a big stimulus project coming to Ohio and I can bet that he will ignore this one also:

Ohio is getting about $400 million in federal stimulus money to restore passenger train service among its major cities.

Gov. Ted Strickland said Wednesday that U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood called him about the grant.

Ohio is planning a 79-mph, startup train service connecting Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati using existing tracks.

“The end point is under discussion right now, (but) the preferred end point is Cincinnati Union Terminal, and the state of Ohio and Amtrak will be working with the railroads to try to locate a terminus point because, at this time right now, there’s going to be four trains a day each way, north and south,” said Robert Wickens, founder of All Aboard Ohio.

This is excellent news for Ohio. I used to have to travel to Columbus on a constant basis and the 90 minute drive got really boring. Now I will be able to plop down $12 and head up there.

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