
House Votes To Repeal Health Insurance Anti-Trust Exemption

In a vote of 406-19 the House passed a bill today that will allow health insurance companies to actually compete across state lines. That is something a lot of people have been pushing for for years, including Republicans. As matter of fact it has been a key of the Republicans “health care plan”, so it is interesting to see who voted no:

Akin (KS), Boehner (OH), Brady (TX), Broun (GA), Buyer (IN), Franks (AZ), Garrett (NJ), Jenkins (KS), Jordan (OH), King (IA), Lamborn (CO), Linder (GA), Moran (KS), Paul (TX) Price (GA), Ryan (WI), Sensenbrenner (WI), Tiahrt (KS) and Westmoreland (GA)

Yup – John Boehner. This guy has no ideas, plans or vision. He just wants Americans to suffer while he plays politics. What a piece of shit.

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