
Sarah Palin Admits Using Socialized Medicine


How many times have we heard Republicans say that health care reform will lead us to “socialized medicine”? How many times have they used Canada as an example of what we don’t want to be? Well check this out:

Sarah Palin’s family use to “hustle” across the Canadian border to get healthcare, the former Alaska Governor said
this weekend.

In a speech in Calgary, Palin called it “ironic” that while growing up in a small Alaskan town near the Canadian border, her family used to sneak across to take advantage of the Canadian healthcare system.

“We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada,” she said, according to Medicine Hat News (via Dave Weigel.) “And I think now, isn’t that ironic.”

Yup – the queen of the GOP used to use that horrible Canadian medical system. She has brought an entirely new meaning to the word hypocrite.

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