
Paranoia Strikes Deep


The lady that Buffalo Spingfield lyrics were written for:

The Minnesota Republican congresswoman who claimed that President Barack Obama nationalized “51 percent” of the economy has concocted a yet stranger fiction.

She believes former President Bill Clinton is trying to “take me out.”

“Because I’m using a statement like ‘gangster,’ I’m responsible for creating the climate of hate that could lead to another Timothy McVeigh and another Oklahoma City bombing,” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) remarked at a recent fundraiser, referencing an earlier comment she made in which she called the Obama Administration a “gangster government.”

She continued: “I’m in my second term as a Congresswoman and the former president of the United States decides I’m important enough to take me out!”

Everyone is out to get Michele and now it’s Bill Clinton! Talk about a nut job.

And just for some extra fun, and maybe to prove I’m out to get Bachmann, I just realized who she is. There was an episode of King of the Hill where the anti-government paranoid Dale Gribble has to work with a female exterminator, who also shares many of his paranoid views. I give you the unintended cartoon version of Michele Bachmann:


And you can view the full episode here.

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