
The GOP’s Lieberman

With Charlie Crist facing more pressure to drop out and the rumors growing of him running as an independent, it leaves a big question; if Crist wins, who will he caucus with?

Now take that a step further. Imagine a Senate much like we had after 2006, one that was pretty much evenly split. The balance of power in the Senate could lie in the hands of Joe Lieberman and Charlie Crist. Crist could feel burnt enough by the Republicans that he decides to caucus with the Democrats, which could push Joe Lieberman to caucus with the Republicans. That would leave the problem intact. Of course the Democrats would still hold control with the tie breaker going to Biden, but it still makes for a very interesting dynamic.

Then there’s a bigger possibility. Having both Crist and Rubio on the ballot could split enough votes for the right that Meek ends up pulling out a win.

It’s like 2000 all over again. Florida will be the state to watch this fall if Crist goes the independent route. Stuff like this is why I love politics – the strategy and the outcomes.

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