
Will Our Hispanic Population Get A Big Boost From The Census?

It looks like the Hispanic population is all on board with completing their census forms:

What boycott? Close to 9 in 10 Hispanics say they intend to participate in the 2010 census, with immigrants more likely to say the government count is good for their community and that personal information will be kept confidential, according to a new poll.

The Pew Hispanic Center survey, being released Thursday, appears largely to put aside concerns that Hispanic discontent with the government’s slow progress on immigration reform will curtail participation in the high-stakes count now underway. The National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders has suggested a Hispanic boycott of the census to protest the lack of action on immigration.

Now compare that to very white/Republican areas, like in parts of Texas:

King County (92.% for McCain) – 14% return rate, down from 48% in 2000.
Roberts County (92.1% for McCain) – 22% return rate, down from 68% in 2000.
Ochiltree County (91.7% for McCain) – 39% return rate, down from 71% in 2000.
Glasscock County (90.1% for McCain) – 30% return rate, down from 49% in 2000.
Oldham County (88.4% for McCain) – 26% return rate, down from 72% in 2000.

So when the final numbers are tallied, will we see a big jump in the Hispanic population simply because they chose to participate in the Constitutionally required census? Chances are yes.

Adding…..Let’s not forget that things like congressional districts are drawn from census returns. Republicans apparently don’t know that, since they are in fact shooting themselves in the foot with this. It would be the sweetest of all ironies if the right looses some districts simply because their minions decided not to participate in the census.

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