
Headlines That Make Me Want To Break Things

This one from Reuters really got my blood pressure boiling:

US will “push” out BP if spill response falls short

The U.S. government will move aside BP (BP.L) from the operation to try to halt the Gulf of Mexico oil spill if it decides the company is not performing as required in its response to the well leak, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on Sunday.

“I am angry and I am frustrated that BP has been unable to stop this oil from leaking and to stop the pollution from spreading,” Salazar told reporters after visiting BP’s U.S. headquarters in Houston.

“We are 33 days into this effort and deadline after deadline has been missed,” Salazar added, referring to the failure of containment efforts attempted so far by London-based BP to control the gushing undersea well one mile (1.6 km) down on the ocean floor.

And we are now 35 days into it and BP still looks like the boy trying to stick his finger in the hole of the dam.

BP leases this land from the U.S. They have been given more than their fair chance at fixing the leak, but the Obama administration keeps thinking that BP has all this “good faith” to stop the leak. David Axelrod even echoed that sentiment this morning on Chuck Todd’s show, when he said “BP is losing money on this leak, so they have all the best interests to stop it”. Really? Well then why haven’t they tried blowing the thing up? That’s the usual remedy and is met with much success, but the problem is that they can’t drill there anymore.

BP’s interest is in BP only. They want the leak “fixed” so that they can go back to siphoning off their liquid gold. If our government had any balls they would tell BP that they are 100% liable for all costs, they loose their drilling rights to that spot for at least 20 years and the government is in charge of it now. They are murdering our oceans and being given a free pass by the Obama administration. It is time for that to stop.

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