
BP's Leaking Condom


BP’s latest attempt is falling short of all expectations:

A cap placed over the gusher was collecting only a fraction of the oil, which had stained beaches with a waxy mess of tar balls and created an unusual orange foam in the surf.

Given the continous failures, it has become obvious that plans were never made for such a disaster. With that said, I firmly believe it’s time for the government to order all offshore drilling suspended until more sound plans and safety measures be put in place. We don’t need talking points or soundbites right now. Instead we need a collective effort to prevent any future problems.

So what could the answer be?

Well the small percentage of oil we actually get from offshore drilling, a good plan would be to require relief wells on all existing and future wells. Yeah it would take some time to complete, but it would also prevent a bunch of people losing their jobs, as well as giving us an instant access to “bottom kill” should another accident happen. This is actually a requirement in Canada, and should become one here as well.

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