
Doocy Asks If People Who Don’t Pay Taxes Should Be Allowed To Vote

Another hit from the asshat Fox News Network:

(h/t Cesca)

Douchey is going from the report that said 47% of Americans didn’t pay any income tax last year. Of course they didn’t pay income tax because they didn’t make enough money, but they still paid sales tax, home taxes, state and local taxes, etc.

But I wonder if Doocy and Fox would also argue that the super-rich, who avoid taxes through loopholes and offshore accounts, should also not be given the right to vote. How about big corporations, who didn’t pay taxes last year? Perhaps those companies shouldn’t be allowed to contribute money to political campaigns.

Or perhaps Doocy shouldn’t be allowed to vote, since he has no apparent understanding of democracy. Now I can wait for wingnuts to say I am trying to take away his rights.

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