
Tea Party Candidate Believes Public Property Is His Own And Screw The Constitution (UPDATED)


Another hypocrite from the land of Tea Baggers:

The editor of the Alaska Dispatch website was arrested by U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller’s private security guards Sunday as the editor attempted to interview Miller at the end of a public event in an Anchorage school.

Tony Hopfinger was handcuffed by the guards and detained in a hallway at Central Middle School until Anchorage police came and told the guards to release Hopfinger.

Hopfinger has not been charged but the owner of the Drop Zone, the private security firm that’s been providing Miller’s security, accused Hopfinger of trespassing at the public event, a town hall sponsored by the Miller campaign. The owner, William Fulton, also said Hopfinger assaulted a man by shoving him.

Anchorage Police who responded to the call said they would leave it to the District Attorney’s office to decide whether to prosecute. They spent more than an hour taking statements, then left.

The Tea Party constantly complains about things like public schools, yet Joe Miller apparently doesn’t believe the schools are public and instead his own. And what about all the talk of being “pro-Constitution”? Ever hear of the First Amendment?

This is yet another example that Tea Party candidates are nothing more than regular old Republican candidates. It’s just a new name and the people out there supporting them as “a different party” are nothing but cultists, drinking the preverbal Kool-Aid.


As far as this being a “private event”, well:

William Fulton from Dropzone Security Services said Hopfinger should have known from the “Joe Miller for Senate” signs outside Central Junior High School that the town hall meeting — to which Miller invited citizens on the internet sites Facebook and Twitter — was a private event.

And it looks like Miller’s people didn’t want any evidence of what happened:

One of the guards grabbed Hopfinger’s video camera. Later, Hopfinger said that when he got the camera back, the segment covering the span of the arrest was missing. An Anchorage police officer offered to take the camera into custody and have it examined in the crime lab to investigate whether evidence had been destroyed, but Hopfinger declined. He said he needed the camera and the remaining video for his work.

Hopefully the DA will look into it and realize the people who should be charged are Joe Miller’s.


The righty blogs are painting this as an assault:

What a complete shock. A liberal reporter in Alaska was handcuffed and detained after he harassed Republican candidate Joe Miller after a town hall event. The reporter also assaulted a man.

Ummm – was Hopfinger convicted of assault? That sure is a slanderous comment by Gateway Pundit. And where is the evidence of this alleged assault? Oh that’s right – Miller’s people destroyed the evidence. Like I said – Kool-Aid drinking cultists.

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