
A Silver Lining?

If there is any silver lining to the Democrats losing the House last night, it is this:

In a fell swoop, the once-powerful Blue Dog caucus of conservative House Democrats was reduced from 54 members to 26 in Tuesday’s midterm election.

The caucus lost two members to retirement and two others who ran for higher office, and out of the remaining 50 members, 24 Blue Dogs lost.

There were still a few Blue Dogs in tight races that had yet to be called early on Wednesday morning. There is the potential for more losses, though most of them look likely to hold on.

Add to that the fact that we are now rid of Evan Byah and Blanche Lincoln in the Senate, we are left with something we can better work with. It’s time for us to start focusing on more progressive candidates for these lost Blue Dog seats and work towards 2012.

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