
Let’s Play The “Name A Budget Cut” Game

I just love hearing Republicans talk about “cutting the budget”, yet when asked for specifics they never can. That’s what happened with teabagger darlings Rand Paul and Jim DeMint yesterday:

DeMint came the closest to naming specifics, but I would expect more from someone who has been in the Senate since 2005 and proclaims to be some ultra fiscal conservative.

What it all boils down to is that people voted for talking points last Tuesday and not action. Take Rand Paul. He said that he wants a “5% cut across the board”. Does that include defense? What Republicans are going to vote for defense cuts?

Really people, just wake up. Come 2012 we will see that our nation’s budget is in the same boat as it is now, if not worse. I say worse because the one thing Republicans agree on cutting is the one thing that is projected to reduce the deficit – health care reform.

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