
Freepers Calls For Armed Counter-protests

The rhetorical violence of the right continues:

Members of the various Tea Party, 9/12, and other freedom-oriented folks in the Atlanta area will be assembling in the vicinity of Georgia State Capitol this coming Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm. We’ll be providing balance to the ravings of the passengers aboard the SEIU Thugbus, which is scheduled to vomit forth its stooges at that same place and time.

If you are within three hours drive of ATL, come join us.

Dan and others from RTC will be there, with the usual accoutrements. As always, each participant is responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws.

Rally point will be the corner of Trinity and Washington Streets in front of the Trinity United Methodist Church. Guide on the Gadsden flags. Rendezvous time no later than 3:45 pm local.

There appears to be some regulations re armed protests on the Washington Street side of the Capitol, so attendees are requested to be flexible in your attire. We will attempt (but no promises) to get some additional clarity regarding the situation and post it here prior to the show.

Take a stand.

Join us in Atlanta on Wednesday.

The AJC thinks the vague wording at the end might be to tell people to carry concealed if need be:

The advice that “attendees are requested to be flexible in your attire” is apparently a suggestion to keep firearms concealed. The original author goes on to claim that “the lefties are idiots who are very good at running their mouths… and also very good at keeping their distance from an armed American”.

This is the right’s continued attempt to push the second amendment to the limits. Now here’s a very serious question about this. If gun violence gets to the point that the President has to take action for the “security” of the nation, will the right defend him? Remember the right constantly said that our rights can be taken away in the name of security – something we heard over and over again over the warrantless wiretaps. If not, will someone please point out where the Constitution states one right trumps the other?

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