
The Childish Tactics Of The Tea Party


The Tea Party has come up with an idea on how to handle those pro-union protestors, in a post entitled ‘FIGHT THE SEIU WITH TACTIC THEY USE AGAINST US – THIS WEEK!’ by the very racist leader Mark Williams:


That link will take you to an SEIU page where you can sign up as an “organizer” for one of their upcoming major rallies to support the union goons in Wisconsin.

Here is what I am doing in Sacramento, where they are holding a 5:30 PM event this coming Tuesday:  (1) I signed up as an organizer (2) with any luck they will contact me and I will have an “in”  (3) in or not I will be there and am asking as many other people as can get there to come with, all of us in SEIU shirts (those who don’t have them we can possibly buy some from vendors likely to be there)  (4) we are going to target the many TV cameras and reporters looking for comments from the members there  (5) we will approach the cameras to make good pictures… signs under our shirts that say things like “screw the taxpayer!”  and “you OWE me!” to be pulled out for the camera (timing is important because the signs will be taken away from us) (6) we will echo those slogans in angry sounding tones to the cameras and the reporters.  (7) if I do get the ‘in’ I am going to do my darnedest to get podium access and take the mic to do that rant from there…with any luck and if I can manage the moments to build up to it, I can probably get a cheer out of the crowd for something extreme.

Yes some on the left did go to Tea Party rallies as imposters, but here’s the thing. Those people won’t organized or sent by a larger group or individual; they acted on their own. Furthermore, their actions were denounced by the left. That wasn’t enough for the extremists of the Tea Party, even when some of these so-called “imposters” were actually members of the Tea Party.

Now we got the Tea Party actively promoting this tactic. It’s funny that a tactic that they so strongly denounced, they are now embracing. It’s the “Johnny did it too” defense that we hear from children, and a defense that usually leads to “well if Johnny jumped off a bridge, would you?” retaliation. Yes the maturity level of the Tea Party has been revealed – that of someone in the single digits.

Also on that same post, Mark Williams has this graphic:

Along with this “warning” text:

WARNING: When around these union events do NOT instigate ANY physical confrontation, walk away from anyone who tries to start one with you. These people WILL have a mob mentality and ARE dangerous

Is the Tea Party so off the hinge that they must be told not to fight? It sounds like the mob mentality is coming from the Tea Party and being instigated.

Maybe it’s time for members of the Tea Party to vow to never call 911 again. After all, it is “socialism” in their books and they won’t even support the basic rights of firefighters and police as public employees. Surely they don’t want to come off as hypocrites, do they?

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