
35 Years Of Known Problems With The Mark 1 Nuclear Reactors

The reactors causing all the problems in Japan were made by G.E. In 1975 three engineers with G.E., who were reviewing the Mark 1 reactors, ended up resigning. Their reason? The Mark 1’s containment design in the even of a loss of cooling was so flawed that it would lead to disaster. Sound familiar? It should because that’s exactly what is happening in Japan right now.

But G.E. apparently believes in their “we bring good things to life” motto to much and refuse to see acknowledge that there could be a problem:

GE told ABC News the reactors have “a proven track record of performing reliably and safely for more than 40 years” and “performed as designed,” even after the shock of a 9.0 earthquake.

“Performed as designed”? Is this a design performance of their reactors?

If there was ever a strong case for better government oversight, this is it. While the article doesn’t go into specifics, my guess is that higher-ups at G.E. didn’t like the research teams conclusion that the safety features were flawed. They figured it would cost to much money to fix, and in the end game, it’s all about money. Sure some will say “well if this is the case, G.E. will pay now”, but at what cost? How quick would these people change their tune if one of these reactors were in their backyard and this happened? Pretty damn quick I tell you!

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