
The “Kick The Can” Democrats

Want to know why Democrats keep having problems? Because on every single issue they play this game of “kick the can”. It’s the procrastination party!. Here’s the latest example:

Democrats want to take the offensive and propose higher tax rates for millionaires, companies that move factories overseas and wealthy people who make charitable contributions.

But here’s the problem – they want to do this in 2012! So while companies like G.E. and Bank of America continue to rake in record profits and pay $0 in taxes, we will continue to see things that matter to a majority of American’s cut.

Does this seem like DejaVu? Well it should. Think back to the healthcare debate, when Democrats kept kicking the can on getting American’s better coverage. After constant caving, we were told that it “would be fixed later”. I knew as soon as I heard that that later meant never. I had some bloggers tell me I was wrong on this, but here we are a year later and nothing has even been attempted to fix it.

This is total failure of leadership on the part of Democrats. We control the White House and one chamber of Congress, yet they sit there and act like the Republicans control everything. When we did control everything, they acted like the Republicans control everything. Do the brains in the Democratic Party really thing this is a way to increase voter enthusiasm? It sure as hell didn’t work last year and it won’t work again in 2012.

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the “oh well, maybe later” attitude of the Democratic Party, all the way up to the Oval Office.

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