
Trouble For Mitt And Newt

The two top contenders for the 2012 GOP Presidential nod are facing increased hostility in the GOP electorate a new poll from PPP finds. Here’s some of the interesting numbers:

The poll was conducted amongst likely GOP voters and the last number is very problematic for Romney. Romney-care was something instituted on the state level. Think about the main complaint of the mandate in Obama care when it comes to Republicans – that the mandate should be handled on the state level. With close to 2/3rds of GOP voters opposing Romney for instituting a mandate on the state level, it shows that Republicans are against the mandate all together and saying the federal government “over reached” was nothing more than a strawman.

And speaking of Strawmen, the poll has some other interesting information tucked away in it:

One other note from our Republican primary poll- GOP voters think that the ACORN threat has gone down significantly. In November of 2009 we found 52% of Republicans thought ACORN had stolen the election for Barack Obama in 2008. Now only 25% think the organization will steal the election for him again next year, while 43% think it will not and 32% aren’t sure yet.

Now 25% may seem like a high percentage to think that an organization no longer in existence will manage to steal a Presidential election but it’s less than half the number who thought that two years ago.

Among Republicans who think ACORN will steal the election their top choice for the nomination is Palin at 20%, followed by Gingrich at 19%, and Huckabee and Romney at 16%.

Welcome to the land of conspiracy theories and tinfoil hats. I guess the GOP electorate can’t understand why our country would just go out and vote for a black man.

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