
Catholic Sex Scandal: Blame The Dirty Hippies!

So the Catholic Church has found their scapegoat when it comes to the problem of their priests keeping it in their pants:

A long-awaited study on the “causes and context” of the priest child sexual abuse scandal, commissioned by U.S. bishops in 2006 and released Wednesday, blames the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, not celibacy or homosexuality, for the crisis that has rocked the Roman Catholic church.

While the report largely
 paints the crisis as a historical blip in the history of
 the church, “this in no way should lull us as a church into complacency,” said Diane Knight of Milwaukee, who chairs the bishops’ National Review Board.

The study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City found no single cause for the crisis, but said child abuse by priests increased in the ’60s, peaked in the ’70s, was in “sharp decline by 1985” and the number of new reports “continues to remain low.”

So what this report is saying is that the Catholic Church can’t resist the temptations of society. Sure I’ll buy that and then that ocean front property in Kentucky.

If this is all they are going to put into their “study” then we can be certain the problems will continue.

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