
This Twitter Hack The Right Will Buy


The right refuses to buy the fact that Anthony Weiner’s Twitter account may have been hacked in order to send out a lewd photo. As matter of fact the entire incident revealed a huge vulnerability in yFrog, the photosharing service the image appeared on, and the right still refuses to accept it.

Their reason for not accepting the hack story? Because Wiener hasn’t contacted the FBI about the hack. But how about this story of a Twitter account being hacked?

Aides to the Republican speaker of the Ohio House say his Twitter account was hacked by a person who tweeted support for liberal causes.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that in other phony posts Speaker William Batchelder appeared to criticize Republican Gov. John Kasich or promote former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland.

House Republican caucus spokesman Mike Dittoe says someone who follows Batchelder on Twitter noticed the tweets Monday night. A GOP attorney had the company eliminate the messages.

So a Republican’s Twitter account was hacked, a lawyer has handled it and there is no word about the authorities investigating yet I don’t hear the right crying b.s. on the hack story. I’m sure the wingnuts and media will totally buy the story that his account was hacked and not question anything about it.

However this story does prove something – Twitter accounts can be hacked! Of course the right will say “sure they can, only when it’s nasty liberals hacking the accounts of god loving Republicans!”.

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