
The Republican Dislike For Our Soldiers


At last night’s Republican debate Stephen Hill, a soldier currently serving in Iraq, asked the GOP field what they would do about the US policy for gays in the military, like Hill. Instantly the crowd went to booing this brave soldier. Rick Santorum instantly answered the question by saying he would reinstate DADT.

It’s really amazing when you think about it. Here we got a man, risking his life for a country that wants to exclude him from serving. Then we have a Republican presidential candidate that never once had the courage to out on the uniform and serve saying he shouldn’t be allowed to. I’m also sure many of those booing in the audience never had the courage to serve either. It is really sickening to see how the GOP tries to use soldiers as their political backdrops, but then wants to disqualify so many from serving over something our military leaders says isn’t a problem.

Maybe instead of DADT we should have put in a system of “replace a gay”. If a Republican has a problem with a gay person serving in the military then they have the option of replacing that person with themselves. Rick – you can start by replacing Stephen Hill. Let’s see if you have what it takes to serve!

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