
Matt Drudge’s Ultimate Spin

Appearing on Drudge’s site today:

What a way to make it sound like Democrats are against the Obama jobs bill. But facts mean nothing to the merchant of lies and spin. Here’s the real facts from the article Drudge linked:

The 50-50 vote fell 10 short of the 60 votes needed to advance the bill, and saw two Democrats and one independent join with all 47 Republicans in sustaining a bipartisan filibuster.

Even if the two Democrats and one independent voted for it, the vote would have still failed. It’s the fact that since day one of President Obama taking office the Senate Republicans have done nothing but filibuster to the point they have shattered the record of filibusters ever in the Senate. This bill proves that the GOP is the party of no, with a large majority of people supporting the bill.

So how do real news organizations headline this story? Well let’s start with the New York Times:

Obama’s Jobs Plan Is Blocked Again by Senate Republicans

And how about Reuters?

Republicans block popular piece of Obama jobs bill

The real catch is that this wasn’t even the entire bill. Instead this was just part of it helping teachers and first responders. Remember first responders? These are the ones the GOP tried to hold up as their heroes following 9/11, but now treat as the scum of the earth. And teachers? Well we already know the right wants to see America become the dumbest country on the planet. For proof of that, just look at this chart, which compares states by the percentage of high school freshman that go on to graduate high school:

Notice something there? A large majority of the states in the lowest percentile are red states. So why should the right care about spending money on education, when they don’t care about education?

This morning President Obama addressed the vote, calling it “unacceptable”

“For the second time in two weeks,” he wrote, “every single Republican in the United States Senate has chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and get our economy going again. That’s unacceptable.”

Republicans were joined by three Democratic senators in refusing to pass the president’s request for $35 billion in immediate support to communities where teachers, police, and firefighters are facing layoffs because of tight local finances.

The president demanded in his response, “Those Americans deserve an explanation as to why they don’t deserve those jobs – and every American deserves an explanation as to why Republicans refuse to step up to the plate and do what’s necessary to create jobs and grow the economy right now.”

(And dear ABC – it was two Democrats and one Independent, Joe Lieberman. Let’s get the facts straight!)

I just wish the President would have seen how uncooperative the GOP is a couple of years ago. Instead he continued his presidency in his fantasy world that everyone can get along. That wasn’t going to happen and it was evident on the first day he was in office. Instead the Republicans became the party of pre-pubescent boys. “I don’t like what you do so I’m taking my ball and going home”. They are children in every sense of the term.

So when you call 911 and it takes a little longer for help to arrive, or you find out your child might be lucky to flip burgers at McDonalds for the rest of his life, just remember this – you have the GOP to thank for this! Instead of worrying about America, they worried about their own party first.

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