
Tea Party Darling Jim DeMint Hates Freedom Of Speech

This is just insane:

Anti-choice Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) just filed an anti-choice amendment to a bill related to agriculture, transportation, housing, and other programs. The DeMint amendment could bar discussion of abortion over the Internet and through videoconferencing, even if a woman’s health is at risk and if this kind of communication with her doctor is her best option to receive care.

Under this amendment, women would need a separate, segregated Internet just for talking about abortion care with their doctors.

Ever time I hear some Republican or Tea Partier latch onto the Constitution and freedom of speech, this is going to be my new counter-argument. They only want freedom of speech if that speech is something they want to hear. If it isn’t, then the government should shut them up.

And what about all that crap of Obamacare getting between you and your doctor? This is doing the exact same thing!

Again, the rabid right is nothing but a bunch of hypocritical control freaks. They have no understanding of our founding document or the meaning of it and they must be called out on it.

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