
This Might Destroy Cain, But I Must Give Him Credit

Herman Cain is coming under serious fire; so serious it could destroy his chances at winning the nomination:

The first signs of real damage to Herman Cain’s campaign emerged Thursday as his position on abortion — that he is personally anti-abortion but believes it’s “not the government’s role … to make that decision” — began to register with conservative Iowa activists.

But I really got to give Cain credit on this. A cornerstone of Republican ideology has been smaller government and keeping them out of our lives, yet another cornerstone has been outlawing abortion. The two issues conflict one another greatly. How can you claim to want smaller government and larger freedoms, yet say that women aren’t allowed those freedoms when it comes to their health? It’s hypocrisy in the grandest form.

So hats off to you Herman for saying what you believe. Sadly though you are part of a party that doesn’t like that. They only want their red meat and sound bites. True beliefs and feelings are not for them.

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