
Another Gaffetastic Day For The Pizza Man

Herman Cain has had another gaffe filled day. First off he said that we couldn’t go to war with Iran because they have mountains!

JOURNAL SENTINEL: Would you favor a military strike against Iran to stop that country from developing a nuclear capability?

CAIN: That is not a practical, top-tier alternative and here’s why. If you look at the topography of Iran. Where are you going to strike? It’s very mountainous. That’s what makes it very difficult. Secondly, that would be a decision that would need to be coordinated and discussed with our friends in that part of the world like Israel. But for the United States to unilaterally go in and attack Iran to try and stop them, I would want to consult with the intelligence community, the commanders on the ground in that part of the world, which I have stated before. But we should — I don’t have all the information necessary to make that decision.

That’s right, our military is unable to attack any place that has mountains. Isn’t that in insult on the abilities of our military?

But it doesn’t stop there. Cain decided to not only insult the ability of our military, but also an entire ethnic group and nation!

Campaigning today in Miami’s little Havana, Cain asked the crowd, “how do you say delicious in Cuban?” National Confidential points out the obvious: there is no “Cuban” language. Cubans speak Spanish. Perhaps more importantly, Cain was totally unfamiliar with the U.S.’s immigration policy towards Cuba. The so-called “wet foot, dry foot” policy dictates that Cubans can stay in the U.S. if they make it to dry land, while those caught at sea are returned, but he seemed to have no knowledge of it.

The Cuban language? REALLY? Either Herman Cain is trying to get out of the campaign by looking like the dumbest man alive or he really is the dumbest man alive!

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