
Herman Cain–Idiotic Conspiracy Nut

Yesterday news came out that Herman Cain believes Rick Perry is behind the “attacks” on him, and when I say “attacks” I mean a FACTUAL article that Politico published about Herman Cain being accused of sexual harassment in the past, an article Herman Cain was given 10 days warning on before it was published and did nothing to get his story straight. Today the “whodunit” conspiracy takes another turn on the road to Idiocracy with this report from the Washington Times:

According to a source who is friends with the Cain campaign, not only is the Rick Perry campaign involved but also the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely involved with the sexual harassment accuser attacks. A friend of the Cain campaign believes a National Restaurant Association (NRA) employee out of the Chicago office leaked the story to the Perry campaign via information and influence from Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s office.

So that means that Obama must be behind it then, right? I mean a “friend of the Cain campaign” said that Rahm is behind it, so it must be true considering that would be the most unbiased person out there.

So how bad is this new excuse by Cain? Well so bad that far right blogs like Pajamas Media and The Gateway Pundit appear to be questioning it. Even Tea Party Nation (registration required) doesn’t seem to be believing this story. Herman Cain has officially gone so far down the conspiracy theory wormhole that Tea Partiers are questioning it. Now that is bad!

But all these allegations are actually nothing but a smokescreen. As I said, the Politico piece has been proven to be accurate by none other than Herman Cain himself. Cain has admitted that these allegations happened and that there was settlements. Did Herman Cain really believe that this dark part of his history wouldn’t come out? If that’s the case then Herman Cain is not only a newcomer to the political game, but a newcomer to America. Dirt always comes out in elections, especially Presidential, and something like this, where there are tons of witnesses, was a guaranteed story.

This wasn’t a “hit piece” or “smear campaign”, it was the media doing their job for once. A “hit piece” or “smear campaign” would be the media taking something Michelle Obama said totally out of context and make it look like she said she wasn’t proud of this country until recently. Another example would be attacking the President of the United States for having his feet on the desk in the Oval Office without bringing up the fact that there are pictures of all his successors doing the exact same thing. That’s a hit piece and considering it happened to the first black President, it would stand up to being called “racially motivated” far more than what Cain is going through now.

When you look at Cain’s amateur response to this story and given his continuous blame game, we see a man who can in no way accept responsibility. Herman Cain is the kind of man that blames everyone else for his own downfalls and that is one of the most dangerous qualities in a leader. Imagine if Herman Cain would have just come out and said this at the beginning of this story:

“yes, that was a bad part in my life and I made some wrong choices. I have suffered every day for the past 13 years and asked God and my wife to forgive me every single day.”

If he would have done this the story would be dying by now, but instead he wants to keep changing his story and blaming everyone else for it. This story is still alive today because of Herman Cain and no one else. As it stands now we are on the verge of Herman Cain going out and saying “those women asked for it”. The guy has no leadership qualities and does not know how to handle a crisis. When this story first broke I said it was Cain’s 3am moment and he was failing. Reflecting on that, it may have been a serious understatement. Cain has turned his 3am moment into an absolute catastrophe. It’s like he got that red phone call saying Russia just bombed one of our air craft carriers and are fueling their silos, so he orders our military to nuke Brazil. This man isn’t fit to be class President, let alone President of the United States. I just hope more Americans see it that way.

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