
Judge And Second Mile Volunteer Gave Jerry Sandusky The Easy Bond

Something is fishy in Penn:

The judge who ruled former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky be freed on $100,000 unsecured bail after being charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse against children is a volunteer for The Second Mile, the charity Sandusky founded.

The state Attorney General’s Office requested $500,000 bail and an electronic leg monitor for Sandusky, but District Judge Leslie Dutchcot, active in several volunteer roles, ordered Sandusky, a State College resident, to have no contact with children. He will not have to pay any money unless he fails to appear for court.

If there was ever a conflict of interest and need for a judge to recuse themselves from a case, this is it. But we are talking about Pennsylvania, the state that recently gave us Cash for Kids. At this point nothing should shock us, but let’s wait until we see what happens next….

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