
Man Shoots At White House

I watched this story evolve rapidly on Twitter the other night. By the end of it they thought it was just someone randomly firing a gun. I guess not…

The Secret Service is investigating how a bullet hit an exterior window of the White House. A round was stopped by ballistic glass behind the building’s historic exterior glass.

The Secret Service also tells News4 that one additional round was also found on the exterior of the White House. Both rounds were discovered Tuesday morning.

The investigation started after an incident on November 11, when gunshots were heard near the White House. The Secret Service has not yet conclusively connected Friday’s incident with the bullets found on White House grounds. On Wednesday morning, ballistic testing had not yet been completed.

The Secret Service, Park Police, D.C. police and Arlington police all responded to the reported shooting at 9:30 p.m. on Friday night. Investigators found an assault rifle in a car abandoned near the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge. It was not an AK-47, as suggested in previous reports, and the owner of the gun is unknown at this time.

And then you got Malkin “going there“:

Doesn’t fit the Tea Party profile, but it won’t be long before the “Blame Righty” meme gets underway, anyway.

Now I just spent some time going through all the blog postings I can find on this story. I have seen NONE blaming the right or the Tea Party. You know what I did find?

DC #Occupyer Shot at White House May Be Threat to President

That’s from the right wing blog The Jawa Report. He is referring to this snippet from the article:

Authorities suspect Ortega has been in the area for weeks, coming back and forth to the Washington Mall. Before the shooting, he was detained by local police at an abandoned house. U.S. Park police say Ortega may have spent time blending in with Occupy D.C. protesters.

What I find interesting is that whenever someone was seen carrying a racist sign or something depicting the assassination of Obama at a Tea Party rally, they were always called “infiltrators”. I’m sure some even where, but Malkin and her mindless minions don’t seem to think that would happen to the Occupy movement. The article even says that this guy was trying to “blend in”, but wingnuts only read what they want so they can continue the path down their little fantasy world.

And speaking of Malkin, here’s something else I just noticed on her post:

There is only one comment on her post, but see something else? The comment count is at 10. It appears that Malkin has either hidden or deleted 9 comments. That really makes you wonder what her hand picked crop of commenters has been saying.

Why is this an issue? Well back when their was an assassination attempt on Dick Cheney in Afghanistan, some commenters on Huffington Post made rude comments like “damn they missed”. Malkin instantly went to war against the left saying they were cheering for the attempted assassination of our vice-President. She even used her platform on Fox News to push this meme, as well as her syndicated column.

Now let’s compare Huffington Post to Michelle Malkin’s site. On HuffPo anyone can register and comment. That was true then and it is now. To comment on Malkin’s site, well you have to have an account. There is no open registration and no information telling you how to register. In other words, Malkin’s commenters are hand-picked by her and her staff.

So what are you hiding Michelle? Are your people cheering on what could be an assassination attempt aimed at the President of the United States? We can only assume yes, since it’s obvious you are hiding comments.

Double standards are present in all sides of the political spectrum, but the right is trying to put a patent on them. In this one story we have seen at least three of them and it’s not even 11am yet!

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