
Circumventing The Healthcare Laws

Over the past several months the mailings and phone calls from your insurance company have changed. Now they seem to be more geared towards “your healthcare” and “educating” you. Well there’s a reason for that.

Yesterday the provision of Affordable Healthercare Act went into affect that says insurance companies must spend 80-85% on patient care and the rest can go towards administrative costs. So in the business world this means creative accounting. What was one written off as an “advertisement” can now be written off as “education”, moving the item from that 15% to 85% column.

And this just started. I’m sure the army of lawyers and accountants the insurance industry has at their disposal will end up finding far more ways to switch columns on expenses.

I knew this is what would happen when they first announced the provision last year. American businesses are good at this kind of accounting and now we are seeing it.

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