
Could Boehner Be Done As Speaker?


TPM has gathered a list of Republican members of Congress raising the possibility that John Boehner could see his short time as Speaker of the House come to an end in 2012:

“He’s (Boehner) got a big problem when he comes back,” one anonymous congressman claimed. “He may have a hard time keeping his Speakership after this.”

“We were hung out to dry by our leadership,” said another unnamed member.

My guess is that these unnamed members are most likely Tea Party members of Congress that really don’t understand politics all that much. I don’t really see Boehner losing his position as Speaker, mainly because this is a big election year and that would make the GOP look really bad.

On the other hand, if Boehner doesn’t do some serious healing or explaining in the next couple of weeks, it could become a possibility. The GOP wants to look united going into an election and the payroll tax fight showed they weren’t. What’s even worst is that with Congress’ approval in the 9% range and people viewing that branch as being completely broken having a totally Republican controlled Congress could lead to even more roadblock with the two chambers unable to agree.

My guess is that Boehner will hold onto his position, but only after being taken to the woodshed by his caucus. The Tea Party members will remind him that they are the reason the GOP got a majority in 2010 and the reason he is Speaker, so play nice or they will make life hell on him.

Whichever way it ends up going, one thing is for sure – it’s going to be fun as hell to watch. Republicans have loved in the past pointing to a Democratic party divided, mainly over the 2008 primary and the healthcare battle. None of those begin to compare to what we are seeing in the GOP right now.

So grab the popcorn and get ready for some great political show in 2012. If politics is your sport and general elections are your Super Bowl, then this year is going to be comparable to Super Bowl 42 when the undefeated Patriots fell to the Giants in a nail biter of a game.

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