
John Boehner Thinks Tax Cuts For The Middle Class Is "Chicken Shit"


Totally amazing:

GOP leadership told its membership at a closed-door meeting Friday morning it would couple with the expiring tax provisions an easing of environmental regulations on boilers, selling broadband spectrum and paving the way for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. […]

Speaker John Boehner referred to the package he’s putting forward as turning “chicken-sh — into chicken salad,” according to people attending the meeting in the Capitol basement Friday morning.

Translated, he’s going to pass President Barack Obama’s preferred tax cut, but he wants some skin from Democrats for it.

The total lack of respect the GOP has for working America is absolutely disgusting. I believe it’s time to make Congress a middle class job and let these assholes have to survive on what 98% of this country has to. I guarantee we would see a lot more tears from Boehner then.

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