
Law Enforcement Being Fired For Supporting Legalization Of Marijuana


Usually it seems near impossible for a police officer to be fired. They can taser someone to death and end up getting paid time off. They get busted for driving under the influence and end up back behind the wheel of a cruiser.

Well there appears to be one sure fire way for someone in law enforcement to lose their job. It’s called “having an opinion”. But not just any opinion. It turns out the opinion must be favoring legalization of marijuana. Take Bryan Gonzalez, a border agent who was just starting his career:

Stationed in Deming, N.M., Mr. Gonzalez was in his green-and-white Border Patrol vehicle just a few feet from the international boundary when he pulled up next to a fellow agent to chat about the frustrations of the job. If marijuana were legalized, Mr. Gonzalez acknowledges saying, the drug-related violence across the border in Mexico would cease. He then brought up an organization called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition that favors ending the war on drugs.

Those remarks, along with others expressing sympathy for illegal immigrants from Mexico, were passed along to the Border Patrol headquarters in Washington. After an investigation, a termination letter arrived that said Mr. Gonzalez held “personal views that were contrary to core characteristics of Border Patrol Agents, which are patriotism, dedication and esprit de corps.”

This goes back to the entire “war on drugs”, that failed, total waste of money policy this country has been pursuing for the past 3 decades.

Billions have been spent on this so-called “war”, yet has produced nothing. Instead we now see things we used to be able to buy over the counter, like Sudafed, become near impossible to get.

The core ally of this “war” is greed and it keeps getting worse. We put some drug users away longer than rapists. Why? Because money has become a key foundation of our justice system. More and more jails aren’t run by the tax payers. Instead the tax payers send their money to some private, for profit corporation and they run the prison. These people only care about the bottom line, not “rehabilitation”. That means they do anything to keep their inventory prison population up.

It’s time for America to pull that stick out of her ass and realize that the war on drugs is not only a failed policy, but can also be turned around to benefit the American people. Legalize marijuana and tax it like cigarettes. Instead of spending millions a year to “rid” us of it, something that will never happen, we turn a loss into a plus.

But that won’t happen. Instead we’ll just keep the legal drug dealers empowered. You can’t smoke weed, which might make you go on a Twinkies binge, but you can legally be prescribed Chantix, which might lead you to suicide. It really makes sense, don’t it?

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