
Tea Bagging Conspiracy – Obama And Unions Run The Va. GOP!!!

I said it yesterday – we entered crazy season extra early this year. Over at Tea Party Nation, on a post talking about the news that Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich won’t appear on the Virginia primary ballot, they have figured out who to blame in the comments:

Got that? It’s the evil unions and Barack Obama who apparently are in charge of the Virginia GOP because certainly good Republican voters wouldn’t do things like give their wrong address when signing the petition and certainly it isn’t a lack of organization on Newt’s part.

It continues to amaze me how the same people who cry for American’s to take responsibility can never take responsibility for themselves.

Newt Gingrich had 5 months to secure 10,000 signatures in his own state and failed to do so. He has no one to blame but himself and his own party’s push for tougher voter ID. But how dare we believe that the same rules the extreme right has been pushing for the past year ends up costing them some of their own. Only those damn liberals and blacks would give wrong addresses and not update their voter registration. Isn’t that right Tea Party Nation?

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