
Chris Dodd – Corporate Whore and Douchebag

This man needs to go away for good:

Dodd mentioned rethinking the film industry’s distant relationship with Silicon Valley, and said he would welcome a meeting between Internet companies and content providers in order to rework the bills. Unfortunately, there was no mention of his inflammatory comments before the blackout, including calling the Internet protests an “abuse of power” and accusing critics of punishing officials trying to fight “foreign criminals.” Dodd may take a different tack in his next round of lobbying, but cutting out the alarmist rhetoric probably won’t be part of it.

Calling the exercising of our Constitutional right to freedom of speech an “abuse of power”? An “abuse of power” is using your time in office to fatten your wallet. You should know something about this.

Now go away once and for all. America is much better off without assholes like you around.

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