
Paul Ryan Drops His Support Of SOPA

Some very good news on the SOPA front:

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) will not support the Stop Online Piracy Act, according to a statement released by his office Monday.

In the statement, Ryan calls the Internet “one of the most magnificent expressions of freedom and free enterprise in history” and says “it should stay that way.”

According to Ryan, SOPA is an attempted solution to the “legitimate problem” of digital piracy, but the bill “creates the precedent and possibility for undue regulation, censorship and legal abuse.”

Congressman Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, became a target of the Reddit community last month. Reddit users considered Ryan’s previous stance on SOPA too vague — and took issue with the $288,600 that the Congressman had accepted from pro-SOPA groups.

I’ve got to give kudos to the Reddit community. They have really been out front on making sure our freedoms don’t get hindered by some draconian piece of legislation being bought in Congress by big money. I just wish the blogosphere would push a little more on this issue, as it has serious implications for what we do.

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