
The Man Taking On Sherrod Brown Needs To Answer Something

This is ridiculous:

Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel (man-DEHL’) has emerged this year as one of the most ambitious young politicians in a closely divided battleground state.

The Republican has aggressively worked the fundraising and speaking circuit to amass more than $3.8 million this year in his bid to unseat Democratic U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown.

At the same time, his weekly calendars at the treasury are almost devoid of appointments besides meetings with staffers and speaking engagements. He hasn’t held any news conferences to discuss the work he’s doing for Ohioans.

This is a major problem in politics today and the root cause is money. Politicians win an office and spend their time in that office working to collect money for their next gig. In doing so they neglect the office they were elected too. In cases like this the person should be impeached from office and forced to repay the salary they had collected.

It’s time to take the damn money out of politics and get real leaders in there, not these panhandlers!

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