
#TeaParty Rape


Looks like someone from the party of Santorum, Gingrich, Palin, etc., is in some serious trouble:

Lemon Grove resident Michael John Kobulnicky, 50, a leader in the San Diego Tea Party and former regional director of the Southern California Conservative Party, is under arrest for allegedly kidnapping and raping a local woman on Fiesta Island.

“He dragged her out of the car and sexually assaulted her pretty brutally,” San Diego Police Lt. Andra Brown told ECM news partner 10 News in late February, shortly after the February 25 assault occurred.

On his website,, Kobulnicky lists his leadership roles as “currently the co-organizer and public relations representative for the San Diego Tea Party.”

The right is really taking the “war on women” to a whole new level!

(NOTE: No I don’t believe that Tea Party people are rapists. I’m just making headlines like the right does whenever there’s a rape near an Occupy camp. Unlike those stories though, this one didn’t have to be twisted Jim Hoft style, making a fake connection between the accused and the Tea Party. The connection is very real)

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