
The Right's Disgraceful Spin On Trayvon Martin

The latest spin the right is coming up with to dismiss the Trayvon Martin killing is that lots of people are killed everyday. Rich Lowry at the National Review has even compiled a list and declares this:

Everything about the Trayvon Martin case is a matter of contention. About this, though, there should be no doubt: If Martin had been shot by a black classmate, if he had been caught in a random crossfire, if he had looked at a gang member the wrong way, his death would have been relegated to the back pages of the local newspaper. Not a cause, not even a curiosity: Just another dead young black man. Nothing to see here. Please, move on.

And here we see the total failure of the right to understand the situation. It’s not that Trayvon was murdered. It’s the fact that the shooter was taken into police custody, questioned and then released. It’s the fact that so many different accounts of what happened have come out, even from the police department. In none of the stories Lowry posts is this the case.

But the right just doesn’t get it. Or maybe they do get it and are so hellbent on spinning this into something it’s not that they will say or do anything. It’s kind of like the earlier excuses that racism couldn’t be a factor because Trayvon was black and Zimmerman was Hispanic. You know, because a Hispanic couldn’t be racist against blacks or vice-a-versa.

Sadly we may never know what happened on the stormy February night in the Sunshine State when Trayvon lost his life. Even if facts do come out, they will be quickly muddied with spin from all sides of the aisle. That makes this tragic loss of life that much more horrible. Everyone needs to relax and work towards a common goal of finding out what happened and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. Stop the spin, stop the bs!

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