
Truth In Politics? Romney Adviser Inadvertently Admits The Biggest Problem

Mitt Romney Communications Director Eric Fehrnstrom, appearing on CNN, was asked about his candidate moving to the far right and possibly alienating some of the more independent supporters. Here’s what he said:

HOST: Is there a concern that Santorum and Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?

FEHRNSTROM: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all of over again.

Think Progress has the video from this exchange.

Welcome to the problem of politics that all American’s know about. The fact that candidates now admit they don’t believe what they say; that they are willing to say anything to get the vote, is a serious issue facing America. No one ever knows exactly what their candidate is going to do once in office, and once they do assume their elected position they will try and do everything to make you feel crazy for thinking they stood for something else.

And while this issue plagues all sides of the political spectrum, it has been most obvious in Mitt Romney. This man has constantly flip-flopped on issues. That’s also why President Obama will have an easy time beating him. Even Republican voters would be willing to vote for Obama over Romney simply because they know what they are getting with Obama, but Romney will be a serious gamble. Fehrnstrom just reaffirmed that fear with many in the GOP. I’m sure Obama is thanking him right now.

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