
Ann Romney Has Absolutely No Clue!

I stayed away from the Hillary Rosen/Ann Romney made up controversy last week, but the latest from Queen Ann really has me going. Last night, while speaking at the Connecticut Republican Party’s Prescott Bush Awards Dinner, Ann made the following comment:

Romney alluded to the fact that not all women can stay at home saying, “I love the fact that there are women out there who don’t have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too. And sometimes life isn’t easy for any of us.”

She “loves this”? I guess she also loves the fact that there are women out there who struggle to even feed their children, or give them medical care, school needs, clothing, etc.?

But this is how the Republican Party thinks. A few years ago Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga) talked how mothers and fathers should work 2-3 jobs each if they have trouble surviving, then a couple of weeks later complained because Nancy Pelosi was making the House work 5 days. His complaint? Family time.

So if you enjoy working non-stop, getting to spend no time with your kids and living pay check to pay check, go ahead and vote Republican. It’s obvious that’s the American dream to this bunch of clowns.

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