
It's Starting To Look Like The Clinton Years Again

Forget the good part of the 90’s. It appears the Republicans are wanting to relive the bad part of them with bogus investigations into the President:

Now comes complainant Republican National Committee, snark firing on all cylinders, formally requesting that a government auditor look into whether President Barack Obama has been bilking taxpayers by billing them for what amount to campaign trips to battleground states. The White House immediately dismissed the suggestion of any impropriety.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’s letter to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, caps an escalating campaign of complaints by Republicans about Obama’s election-year travel.

“On behalf of American taxpayers, I am writing to call your attention to a case of misuse of government funds,” Priebus says in the letter’s opening sentence.

Ahh yes – the never ending wave of investigations in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We’ve already seen tons of these go on through Darrell Issa and now the RNC as a whole wants to get into the game. This was the exact same tactic Republicans used in the 90’s, including looking into the Clinton’s Christmas Card list.

But what really amazes me is that the Bush administration lied us into a war that cost the taxpayers over a trillion dollars and cost us thousands of lives. Whenever Democrats talked about investigations the Republicans warned against them, saying that investigations into the President never works. Of course the yellow bellies of the left bowed down and obeyed. I wonder if they will do the same should anything similar happen in the future?

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