
As Tropical Storm Debby Makes Landfall, Rand Paul Holds Flood Insurance Hostage

Tropical Storm Debby has just made landfall in Florida and while it lacks the punch of a hurricane, what Rand Paul is doing doesn’t hold back:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) moved this week to hold a noncontroversial flood insurance bill hostage until the Senate agrees that life begins at fertilization.

The bill, which would financially boost the National Flood Insurance Program on the cusp of hurricane season, had been expected to pass easily in the Senate. But since Paul on Monday offered an unrelated “fetal personhood” amendment, which would give legal protections to fetuses from the moment of fertilization, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is threatening to halt progress on the legislation.

So unless you are willing to surrender your beliefs to those of a nut job Senator, you better hope your home doesn’t flood. This is terrorism plain and simple and sadly it is the legal kind. One mans crazy agenda can screw with the lives of millions.

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